Shuttle bus transport (for Kamýk and Libuš sites only)
Children enrolled in Kamýk and Libuš schools can take advantage of a free shuttle bus service. Shuttle buses collect children from the metro stations Kačerov, Smíchovské nádraží, Náměstí Míru (Vinohrady), Prague 6 (Vlastina school and Střešovice) and Průhonice (Zahradnická parking lot) and take them back after school.
Kačerov, Smíchov and Vlastina shuttle buses are standard big city buses that make special journeys for our school. These lines are operated by The Prague Public Transport Company, a.s.. Průhonice bus lines and Smíchov after club bus are operated by our partner external transport company, Pragotour. Vinohrady bus lines are operated by our partner external transport company, H+S Bussi.
We use 20/30/50/57 seater coaches for all Průhonice and Vinohrady bus lines and Smíchov after club bus.
The service is available for children older than 5 years. Younger children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Parents need to register their child(ren) for the service by completing the Bus Application Form on-line.
We offer shuttle bus service from these locations:
You can view shuttle bus stops and school sites on google map here.
Pick up is at the Metro Station at 7:55 in the morning and 3:33 at Kamýk (3:39 at Libuš) in the afternoon. The bus will arrive at Kačerov at 3.49 pm. The meeting point at Kačerov metro station is on the right side from the exit from the metro (escalator). One city bus with KAČEROV-PBIS sign written above the front window will come to the back of the platform (at bus stop no.113). Please see the Kačerov map here. Arrival to Kamýk school is at 8:05 and 8:11 to Libuš (Sídliště Libuš bus stop) in the morning.
2. Smíchov shuttle bus
Pick up is at the Metro Station Smíchovské nádraží (line B). Please follow direction ”Radotín Chuchle” in the metro station. The city bus with Smíchovské nádraží-PBIS sign written above the front window will leave from the bus stop no.105. Please see the Smíchov map for departure and afternoon arrival here.
Please follow Smíchov shuttle bus timetable:
7:45 SMÍCHOVSKÉ NÁDRAŽÍ - 8:07 LIBUŠ ( LIBUŠ YEAR 10-13 ) This bus drives to Libuš campus only.
7:55 SMÍCHOVSKÉ NÁDRAŽÍ - 8:15 KAMÝK- 8:21 LIBUŠ (KAMÝK YEAR 1-9). The bus drives to both Kamýk and Libuš.
After school:
15:33 KAMÝK - 15:39 LIBUŠ – 16:03 SMÍCHOVSKÉ NÁDRAŽÍ (KAMÝK YEAR 1-9 and siblings) – bus drives to both Kamýk and Libuš schools.
15:45 LIBUŠ – 16:08 SMÍCHOVSKÉ NÁDRAŽÍ ( LIBUŠ YEAR 10-13) direct bus from Libuš
After clubs (when clubs running):
16:35 KAMÝK- 16:41 LIBUŠ – 17:05 SMÍCHOVSKÉ NÁDRAŽÍ – one bus for both Kamýk and Libuš schools (Year 1-13)
3. Vlastina – Střešovice shuttle bus (new Bořislavka stop from 26/8/2025)
Pick up at Vlastina bus stop at 7:20 in the morning and 3:33 at Kamýk (3:39 at Libuš) in the afternoon. The bus arrives in the afternoon at 4:24 at the bus stop on the opposite side of the road. PBIS sign is written above the front window.
Vlastina bus stop: Pick up is at Vlastina bus stop at 7:20 in the morning here and 3:33 at Kamýk (3:39 at Libuš) in the afternoon. The bus arrives in the afternoon at 4:24 at the bus stop on the opposite side of the road here. PBIS sign is written above the front window.
The Pick up point at Střešovice is in the street Cukrovarnická at bus stop "Vozovna Střešovice" at 7:35 in the morning and 3:33 at Kamýk (3:39 at Libuš) in the afternoon. The bus arrives in the afternoon at 4:09 at the "Vozovna Střešovice" bus stop . PBIS sign is written above the front window. Střešovice map is here.
Arrival to Kamýk school is at 8:05 and 8:11 to Libuš (Sídliště Libuš bus stop) in the morning.
New Bořislavka bus stop (by metro line A) from 26/8/2025. Morning: 7:26, afternoon 16:14.
Parents of Year 1-6 children on this bus line need to set Walking permission in SchoolsBuddy. Staff/students on bus duty do not get off with children at all bus stops in the afternoon. This bus line is recommended for students and older children who can travel independently.
From 26/8/2025 there will be additional stop at BOŘISLAVKA tube station. Morning collection time will be 7:26 at Evropská str., afternoon drop off at 16:14 hod at Evropská str. at bus stop no 131.. Map is here.
4. Průhonice shuttle bus
Pick up and drop off is at Zahradnická parking lot (close to Dobřejovická) in Průhonice here. PBIS sign (Průhonice shuttle) is written above the front window.
Please note there are two Průhonice shuttle buses for morning and afternoon journeys (one bus for Kamýk (Y1-9) and their older siblings and second bus for Libuš students ( Y10-13). The Senior bus drives directly to Libuš in the morning. In the afternoon the senior bus departs from Libuš school at 3:45 and drives directly to Průhonice. The after club bus drives to both campuses.
Libuš students can still board the Kamýk bus at Libuš to join younger siblings on it in the afternoon.
The after club bus drives to both campuses.
Průhonice bus timetable:
Morning :
7:35 PRŮHONICE - 8:08 KAMÝK- 8:15 LIBUŠ (KAMÝK YEAR 1-9). The bus drives to Kamýk and Libuš.
7:40 PRŮHONICE - 8:10 LIBUŠ ( LIBUŠ YEAR 10-13 ) This bus drives to Libuš campus only.
After school:
15:35 KAMÝK - 15:41 LIBUŠ – 16:05 PRŮHONICE– bus drives to both Kamýk and Libuš schools (Year 1-10 and siblings)
15:45 LIBUŠ – 16:05 PRŮHONICE – direct bus from Libuš (Year 11-13)
After clubs (when clubs running):
16:35 KAMÝK- 16:41 LIBUŠ – 17:05 PRŮHONICE – one bus for both Kamýk and Libuš schools (Year 1-13)
5. Vinohrady shuttle bus
Pick up and drop off is at the bus stop Náměstí Míru at Francouzská street (close to Náměstí Míru). PBIS sign (Vinohrady shuttle) is written above the front window.
Please see the Vinohrady map here.
Please be aware of temporary bus stop at Blanická 10 here until 20/5/2025.
Please note there are 2 Vinohrady shuttle buses for morning transfers and 2 buses after school and 1 after clubs (when clubs running).
Departure times for Vinohrady shuttle buses:
7:33 VINOHRADY – 8:05 KAMÝK – 8:11 LIBUŠ (YEAR 8-13 )
7:38 VINOHRADY – 8:12 KAMÝK – 8:18 LIBUŠ (KAMÝK YEAR 1-7)
After school:
15:35 KAMÝK - 15:41 LIBUŠ – 16:10 VINOHRADY (KAMÝK YEAR 1-10 and Libuš siblings)
15:45 LIBUŠ – 16:10 VINOHRADY – direct bus from Libuš (Year 11-13)
After clubs (when clubs running):
16:35 KAMÝK- 16:41 LIBUŠ – 17:10 VINOHRADY – one bus for both Kamýk and Libuš schools (Year 1-13)
No after club bus service available from 23-25/6/2025 when clubs cancelled. After club bus information can be found here.
6. Kamýk-Libuš morning shuttle
This service is provided for families with siblings at both Kamýk and Libuš sites. Parents can drop off primary children at Kamýk and send their older children (Libuš students) on a bus to Libuš. We use shuttle buses for these transfers. The buses stop at Kamýk main (front) gate at 8:05, 8:10 and 8:15 and continue to Libuš . Please see the map with KAMYK MORNING ARRIVAL here. Children arrive to Libuš bus stop at 8:11-18. Map here.
7. Libuš - Kamýk morning shuttle
This service is provided for families with siblings at both Kamýk and Libuš sites. Parents can drop off senior students at Libuš and send their younger child(ren) (Kamyk students) on a school bus to Kamýk. We use school mini buses for these transfers. LIBUŠ-KAMÝK SHUTTLE sign is written above the front window. The buses stop at 8:15 at Libuš by main entrance and continue to Kamýk for 8:22. Please see the map here.
8. Kamýk-Libuš afternoon shuttle
This service is provided for families with siblings at both Kamýk and Libuš sites. Parents can send their younger children (Year 1-9) to Libuš in the afternoon and collect them together with their older siblings (Year 10 -13) at Libuš. We use school buses for this transfer. The buses will depart from Kamýk back gate at 3:35 pm and continue to Libuš for 3:41 pm. Please see the map with afternoon departure from Kamyk here. Children will arrive to Libuš school at 3:41 pm. Map here.
9. After Club bus
There is a separate AFTER CLUB bus service from Kamyk and Libuš only which leaves at 4.33/35 pm from Kamýk (Libuš: 4:39/41 from Libuš) and drops at Kačerov, Smíchov, Vinohrady and Průhonice. The service is available only for children whose parents register them on-line in the club system. The service is free of charge. Please read the detailed information and view the maps here.
Arrival and Departure maps for Kamýk and Libuš schools
Shuttle buses cannot wait for children. Please be on time.
Shuttle buses are GPS monitored.
If you wish your child to use shuttle bus service, after club bus service or morning/afternoon transfers between Libuš and Kamýk schools please complete the on-line Bus Application Form.
Please make sure your child understands Bus safety rules and follow Trasport Manual with important intrustions.
Cancellation of shuttle bus service
You don´t have to inform the school when your child is absent on morning journey.
To cancel a single afternoon journey for primary school children please make change request in your child´s diary in SchoolsBuddy.
For permanent changes/ cancellation of a bus line for your child(ren) please
For more information about bus lines in your locations, please do not hesitate to contact Soňa Nováková by e-mail on: or tel: +420 604473862
Emergency contact:
Mr Jan Veselý, Fleet Coordinator and Dispatcher, email:, tel:+420 731 238 067