PBIS School Bus Application Form 

Prague British International School offers 2 types of transport service to help children get to and from school. We provide these services for children aged 5 and above. Age limit on home-school-home buses is 4 years. Younger children must be accompanied by a guardian during journey.

1. Home-school home service (Kamýk, Libuš and Vlastina schools)

School buses collect children from their homes or collection points. Bus services cover metropolitan

Prague and Průhonice. We provide service to areas with more than 7 children in the locality. To ensure a more economic and faster bus service, it may be necessary to ask parents to take their children to central collection points close to their homes. Most lines are operated by our own buses and drivers, but some lines are operated by our partner transport companies. Please read detailed information about the service, cost and view the maps of bus routes here.

2. Shuttle buses (Kamýk and Libuš schools)

Shuttle buses collect children from metro or bus stations. Shuttle buses are standard big city buses that make special journeys for our school. The buses are operated by The Prague Public Transport Company, a.s. and external partner transport providers. This service is available for children older than 5 years and it is free of charge. Please read detailed information about the service and view the maps here.

If you wish your child to use school transport services  please submit the form below  to confirm the place on the relevant bus line. We need this information for bus route planning.   Of course, if you do not yet know where you will live in Prague it is possible to sign up for school transport services at a later date. 

Please complete ONE FORM PER CHILD. Thank you.

Please select the type of school transport you wish to use: *


Your name (parent contact): *
Email Address *
Child´s first name (as it appears in her/his passport): *
Child´s family name: *
Child's date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Your child´s year group in 2024/25:
(For children starting earlier please complete current year group.) *
In 2024/25 my child attends:
(For children starting earlier please complete current year gourp.) *
My child is younger than 4 years (5 years on shuttle bus): I confirm that my child will be accompanied by her/his parent/guardian during the journey on the school bus. I wish to reserve a place for the parent/guardian on the bus:
Date of first journey on the school bus/shuttle bus. Earliest day of the first journey is 3 work days after completing this form). Please note 1st school day of the AY 2025/26 is Tuesday 26/8/2025. *

* necessary to complete


Please select relevant bus line:

Kačerov shuttle bus - MORNING:
Kačerov shuttle bus - AFTERNOON
Smíchov shuttle bus - MORNING:
Smíchov shuttle bus - AFTERNOON:
Vlastina-Střešovice shuttle bus- MORNING:
Vlastina - Střešovice shuttle bus - AFTERNOON

KAMÝK-LIBUŠ-STŘEŠOVICE- BOŘISLAVKA (FROM 26/8/2025)-VLASTINA shuttle bus - AFTERNOON: Please note Year 1-6 children need to have walking permission from the bus stop from parents as staff/students on bus duty don´t get off on all bus stops together with children. Instruction for Walking permission will be sent with bus confirmation once bus form completed.

Průhonice shuttle bus-MORNING:
Průhonice shuttle bus - AFTERNOON:
Vinohrady shuttle bus - MORNING
Vinohrady shuttle bus - AFTERNOON


Kamýk-Libuš morning transfer at 8:05, 8:10, 8:15 (Year 10-13):
Libuš-Kamýk morning transfer at 8:15 (Year 1-9):
Kamýk - Libuš afternoon transfer at 15:35 (Year 1-9):

Please do not tick transfers between schools if your child uses shuttle bus service. You can select shuttle bus that stop at both Kamyk and Libuš schools in the morning and afternoon.

Please read detailed information about Shuttle Bus Service and view the maps here. Please view the Shuttle bus and After club bus timetable here. Please view the shuttle bus map here.


Families wishing to use the After Club service (Kamýk and Libuš only)  can  sign up for relevant after club bus  for each day as transport preference after clubs (finishing before 16:30). If your child on a club, the transport after school at 15:35/41 will be cancelled automatically and your child will be registered for the selected after club bus at 16:33/35 at Kamýk and 16:39/41 at Libuš instead. Parents can update their after club bus order each term. They will receive after club bus overview to update together with club  information.


Kamýk/Libuš After Club Bus Service. Please select relevant bus line that you wish your child to use. Your child will be placed on the bus line automatically if on a club finishing before 16:25 at Kamýk/16:35 at Libuš.
Notes for After Club Bus Service. You can specify the days you wish to use the service (unless daily after club).


Kamýk, Libuš and Vlastina schools

My child is younger then 4 years and will be accompanied by his/her guardian):

Home-school-home service details:

Street name:
House number:
City part and district name (Prague 4-Kamýk etc):
NOTES: please indicate the days you don´t wish to use the transport (morning/afternoon journeys). Please be aware the cost for home-school-home service remains the same.

Home - School - Home Transport Invoicing Details

Period of payment for home-school-home service (please tick) :
Price 78.000,- CZK for 1 child, 140.000,- CZK for 2 children, 204.000,- CZK for 3 children /school year 2024/25. Prices include 12 % VAT.

Please fill in only if different from tuition fee invoicing details.

Name and address requested on the invoice:
Person responsible for payment:
His/her tel. number:
His/her e-mail:

Invoices are issued in electronic form only and sent by email (in accordance with law 235/2004 Sb. on VAT, $ 26 par. 4)

Emergency contact numbers for school and driver use:

Name of 1st contact person:
Telephone number for 1st contact person:
Name of 2nd contact person:
Telephone number for 2nd contact person:

Transport Manual for parents

Your child's transport arrangements can be found in SchoolsBuddy. Parents can access SchoolsBuddy directly from our VLE dashboard. Please check your transport order in your child´s diary for the relevant day. Parents of Primary school children need to request changes to their child's transport or collection arrangements directly through the system. To access the PBIS user guides, click here. For any permanent changes to your child's transport schedule, parents should email transport@pbis.cz.

Shuttle buses and after club buses are supervised by staff and/or students on bus duty. There is no supervision on home-school-home buses. The permanent drivers are in charge.  School buses and shuttle buses are GPS monitored. School buses are also monitored by internal and external cameras.

 I hereby confirm that I have informed my child(ren) about the School bus safety rules.  Parents are informed about any changes in bus timetables by email. Decision regarding the placement of all applicants rests with the school.


Mrs. Soňa Nováková

Logistics Manager

Email: sona.novakova@pbis.cz

Tel:  +420 604473862

Thank you for completing this form. Your child(ren) can start using the bus service once you receive confirmation by email from Sońa Nováková. You will receive it within 3 work days.

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