Vlastina Newsletter [13/09/2019]

Message from the head

We started the week with the exhibition of all of the student’s efforts from art week last week. The week was based around the 7 aspects of art with each year group from EYFS to Year 6 taking on a different aspect. The corridors look brilliant and I think it is the best display of artwork yet. A huge thank you to all the students and teachers for their efforts! A special thanks also goes to Miss Drummond from Kamyk who inspired all of the teachers with her training session on the 7 elements of art.

We also had our year 7 and year 8 students out on the expedition trips this week with Year 9 departing on Monday.

On top of this our Year 6 students were bravely and confidently presenting the case for becoming House Captains. It was great to pop into the classrooms and hear some fantastic speeches. Well done to everybody who took part.

Next week on Wednesday 18th 8.30 – 9.30 we have our first friends meeting of the new academic year. We look forward to discussing future events for the children to enjoy and thank the team for their time and contribution.

Car Parking around Vlastina

As you may have noticed, some blue lines have appeared on the roads surrounding Vlastina. This is a part of a city wide expansion of zoned parking which limits parking to local residents. Of course this would represent a logistical challenge for our school community and we are working closely with the relevant local authorities to find an acceptable solution to this issue.

We will keep you updated of any developments, however for now please note that the proposed changes do not take effect until November 18th . This means you can continue to park in the streets around the school as at present.

Parent international breakfast morning

Our next slot for the parent international breakfast morning is 2nd October. If there are any parents who would be happy to lead this, please contact Mr Kurczij for details: paul.kurczij@pbis.cz

Czech lessons for beginners (optional) at PBIS Primary - Vlastina campus

Are you new to this country? Do you plan to stay here for some time and would like your children to learn basic Czech so that they can easily get around Prague? If your answer to these questions is 'yes', we're ready to help.

PBIS Primary will lead Czech lessons for beginners. If your child is a beginner, they can study Czech as a foreign language for up to two 30-minute sessions per week. These sessions will be held from 08: 30-09: 00 each Tue and Thu (Wednesdays are reserved for singing assembly). Those who will not study Czech as a foreign language will attend two additional first language English lessons.

Places in each year group are limited and the registration system operates on a first-come-first-served basis.

For detailed information about this programme and sign-up instructions, please follow this link: https://pbis.fireflycloud.net/language-lessons/pbis-kamyk-primary---czech-for-beginners-optional/pbis-vlastina-primary---czech-for-beginners-optional

Acorus Charity Walk

Join the Annual Charity Walk and support victims of domestic violence. The walk - organized by ACORUS, Vlastina school charity - will take place on Saturday, 21st September. The starting point is camp Džbán between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. the course takes you through the beautiful and natural Divoká Šárka Park in Prague 6. There will be two circular routes: 6 km family and 11km long touristic circular route. There will also be lots to do for the family with a range of fun activities planned. On top of this there will be live musical performance including our very own Vlastina rock band ‘The Conditionals.’

All proceeds go to the ACORUS center for helping victims of domestic violence.

SIGN UP NOW at www.acorus.cz and get a gift bag for the first 100 online registered participants.


Early Years

Hopefully, all early years parents have received an email inviting them to join ‘Tapestry’. This is an online learning journal used to share some of the fun and exciting activities we are doing, as well as keep you up to date with the progress your child is making. If you didn’t receive an email, let Ms Megan or Mr Bohus know and we will try to get you online as soon as possible. It is also possible for parents to upload photos and videos of their child doing great things at home, or important events which you celebrate at home. We would love to see any posts which you make.

The lions have been spending some time down on the farm this week, with the help of “Old MacDonald.” We have counted and sorted different farm animals--it got a bit noisy when we practised making the sounds that they make! Next week, we will continue looking at farm life, thinking about the different vegetables that grow as we get ready for harvest time. We have also begun thinking about autumn, decorating a tree in our classroom with colourful leaves. What other changes will we notice in the coming weeks?

In the tigers class this week, we have continued our topic of colours and the children have been learning to mix their own colours, putting a small amount of paint into the paint palette so they can see the colour change as it happens.

We started our pre-letter phonics this week, and have been listening to environmental sounds, trying to repeat sounds and using different materials to see what sounds we can make. In our number work, we have been looking in detail at the number 1. We went on a hunt for number 1 around the school, talked about 1 and more than 1 and started trying to write the number 1.

This week, we have also continued to explore our learning area, both inside and outside and we made lots of exciting discoveries as well as getting creative with the tools and equipment which we found. A few moments that stood out were: finding jelly in our water tray, making it rain and using an umbrella even though it was sunny and warm and cooking in both the home corner and our outdoor kitchen.

The Tigers class will start their PE lessons on Monday. Please make sure your child has sports clothes and trainers in school so they can get changed for their lesson.

Year 1

Year 1 have had another hectic week! We continued innovating our class book, ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We changed the character and setting. We even added some new words to describe food. We spoke with with expression this week when we were filming our own version of ‘Handa’s Surprise’.

On Tuesday Year 6 visited us to read us stories. They asked lots of questions and were loads of fun. We look forward to our weekly visit from 6A and B. Year 1 are hoping to show off their reading skills.

We went on an exciting material scavenger hunt on Wednesday. The child detectives spotted glass, wood, plastic, metal and fabric around the school. What materials can your child find at home?

We continue the number system and introduced the concept of estimation. We learnt that an estimate is a smart guess. What can your child estimate at home?

Next week - Field trip to Okor Castle. Remember to drop off 150 Kc with your class teacher and provide your child with a packed lunch and appropriate clothing on the day.

Year 2

We have had a busy week in Year 2!

In maths, we started the week by estimating different amounts. We made sure we had a sensible guess before counting the amounts using our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Later we moved onto ordering numbers on a 100 square and number line, spotting patterns and again counting in our 10’s to quickly spot the numbers. We continued by comparing numbers using our more than, less than and equals signs (> < =) and lots of children were able to compare tricky number sentences! Finally we looked at place value. Children learnt the value of each digit within 2 digit numbers and some even moved onto 3 digit and 4 digit numbers. We partitioned the numbers and used number sentences to put them back together to make sure they made sense. For homework, please complete tasks set on ‘Mathletics’, sign in details can be found at the front of your child’s diary.

In English this week we read the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ordered the events. We then moved onto ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’, ordering events from the story and writing our first story in Year 2.

In CC, we started our ‘Buildings’ topic. We began with a STEAM lesson. Children needed to build the tallest tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows – it got very messy! We then moved onto a science investigation where we tested which material would be the strongest to build a house. We tried to use new scientific vocabulary (e.g. prediction, fair test). Later in the week we looked how houses have changed and used a timeline to order oldest to newest buildings. Finally, we got creative, looking at the different architecture in Prague and practised sketching, focusing on two of the art elements – line and shape.

Year 3

It has been a sweet week in Year 3! To launch our new Creative Curriculum topic the children enjoyed investigating different types of chocolate. They had to taste several different chocolates and use descriptive adjectives to describe how each of the chocolates tasted. Can you guess which chocolates were described as smooth, milky, rich and spicy? Then the children learned a bit about the Spanish invasion of Central America as well as the Aztec and Mayan cultures.

Continuing on the topic of Central American empires, the children finished reading The Rain Player and they retold the story both orally and on a storyboard. Then the children got into groups and prepared a puppet show of the story. It was amazing how well some of the children got to know the characters and portray them so realistically in their performance!

In Maths Ms Privara’s group practised adding sets of numbers more efficiently by using number facts. Then they moved on to looking at place value in 3 and 4-digit numbers.

Ms Napier’s Maths group have been practising mentally adding and subtracting numbers and explaining how we solved the calculations. We then moved onto looking at place value of 3 and 4 digit numbers.

Year 4

Well, what a week it has been for us in Year 4. In English we have studied the story of ‘The World’s Loneliest Man’ - the children showed great empathy and understanding when discussing his situation and working out ways we could or even should help him.

In maths we developed our addition skills by firstly revising number bonds, then learning how these simple facts can help us solve more challenging calculations and finally by using them to help us solve number line additions.

In CC we studied the rainforest, we learnt about the layers of the rainforest and also the location of various rainforests around the world.

We also began our new computing topics this week, we have been practicing our coding skills to create countdown timers that could be used within our own games.

Finally next week we will be going on our first school trip of the year! You can find details about the trip here: Year 4 Botanicus trip please could we kindly ask you to complete the online permission form and return the money to school before next Thursday.

Year 5

In English this week, the children have identified and used the features of recounts. The children wrote a recount of their favourite holiday. They were a joy to read and showed just how far and wide our students have travelled. The children have been introduced to the story of ‘The Water Tower’ by writing expanded noun phrases inspired to the cover picture. In Maths, we have focussed on Place Value and the children have been answering mastery level questions to deepen understanding of the concepts they have learnt. Our Creative Curriculum topic for this term is ‘Wonderful World’ and we have been looking at Earth and Space. We went outside and tried to see if we could prove that the Earth was a sphere by just using what we could see. We then discussed whether Ancient civilisations were justified in thinking that the Earth was flat. We have also looked at what causes Day and Night on our planet by studying the Earth’s daily rotation.

Next week, Year 5 are going to visit Prague Planetarium Královská obora 233, 170 00 Prague 7 on Wednesday 18th September 2019. We will be leaving school at 10:20am and travel to the planetarium by public transport. We will take tram 26 from Divoká Šárka to Výstaviště Holešovice. The journey will take about 40 mins and the planetarium is a short walk from the tram stop. The children will eat their snack upon arrival and begin the workshop at 11:20am, lasting for approximately 1 hour. Following the programme, the children will be able to use the interactive area. We will have our packed lunch in the park and return to school by public transport.

Year 6

Year 6 begun the week considering the House Captain elections this Friday and have spent the week writing speeches. They thought about the difference between being a ‘boss’ and a ‘leader’, including the skills they would need in order to perform well as House Captains. During the week, they got the opportunity to watch some outstanding examples of children giving speeches in order to improve not only their content, but also their delivery. On Friday, all the children gave their speeches to their respective houses and the whole of primary voted for their preferred candidate. The House Captains will be announced in the next assembly.

The children were introduced to their new Creative Curriculum topic - Island life - during the week. They will all become island experts of their chosen locations. Over the coming weeks they will consider these islands from a geographical and cultural point of view. They will also look at the fauna and flora of their chosen islands. On Wednesday, all of Year 6 were given the chance to visit the IQ Port. It was a great hands on opportunity to explore science. Many of the exhibits also touched upon topics we will delve further into over the coming weeks. We had lunch on Střelecký Island and talked about how this island had been submerged in times of floods in 2002.

In maths this week, 6A and 6B reviewed some elements of the Year 5 curriculum to see what they could remember after the summer break and started the Year 6 curriculum with some sessions on place value, including decimals - multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

Classes of the week

Congratulations to 2A and 3C for earning the most class points this week!

EAL Y4, 5 and 6.

This week in EAL we have been learning and recapping days of the week and months of the year. It has also been a wonderful opportunity to know each other and share about our warm and sunny holiday adventures.


In Year 3, we got acquainted with Bert, the magic bear who will be our guide thought the book and language learning this year. We practised Bert’s song, coloured his friends, and learnt how to tell our name in German.

In Year 4, we tried an interactive play on the Language Learning Platform Linguascope, and practiced how to introduce ourselves. We also practised the most frequent sentences used in the classroom.

In Year 5, we learnt how we greet each other, introduce ourselves and how to interact with the teacher with help of Language Learning Platform Linguascope.

In Year 6, we practised the most frequent questions and answers we can use if we would like to get acquainted. We also had a listening comprehension to the same topic in the coursebook Prima.

Senior School Contextual Curriculum

There will be exciting developments in our Key Stage 3 curriculum this year, as we tie together our separate subjects using their thematic links. We already experimented with a Y8 project in the last academic year, as students studied the industrial revolution through art, english and history simultaneously. There will be some really exciting projects to come this year, but for now it is definitely worth you knowing that the following areas will be underpinning all of your child’s current studies in half term 1:

  • Year 7: ‘Who am I?’ - personal identity and expression (English, Art, Humanities, Science, Languages, Czech Programme).
  • Year 8: ‘The Renaissance’ - scientific/creative enlightenment and discovery (English, Art, Science, History and Czech Programme).

We will update you term-by-term, and are currently developing Year 9 curricula to match; and we will also be publishing a reading list and suggestions for family visits and activities, so watch this space!

Among the many benefits of educating in this way are:

  • Increased frequency/intensity of vocabulary repetition for better development of English language.
  • More opportunities for educational visits, and more meaningful, exciting learning experiences.
  • Learning that is rooted in reality, particularly locally.
  • Greater development of teamwork, leadership and broader transferable skills.
  • Increased creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Preparing our students better for the demands of IGCSE, and especially the IB Diploma Programme.
  • Creating more opportunites for families to be involved in their childrens’ learning.

Senior Art

Although we have no work in progress to show-off just yet, Mr Buckley would be grateful for parents to know that year 7 students will begin studying self portraits by Frida Kahlo and Pablo Picasso next week, whilst Year 8 students are taking some tentative steps into understanding one-point perspective, especially looking at Italian Renaissance masters (this week we used Da Vinci’s The Last Supper as a source). It would be great if parents were able to discuss this period with their children, or even visit the National Gallery at Veletrzni Palac for some inspiration.

Senior English

In the first two weeks of term, year 7 have started looking at two big questions for this half term: 'who am I?' and 'how can I express myself?' In class we have been looking at a wide range of different forms of linguistic and artistic expression and for homework the students produced some creative posters all about themselves. A great start to the year.

Senior Humanities

This week students in year 7, 8 and 9 are continuing to settle in. Ms Forte, along with Mr Lewis, has been out of school with the Year 8s for most of the week enjoying our residential trip. Students have been demonstrating their creative problem solving skills building catapults, going on hikes through the woods and learning outdoor survival skills! Pictures can be found at https://www.twitter.com/pbistrips

Music (whole school)

Whole School Maximum Music Weekend - Sign Up Now Open!

With only four weeks to go, sign-up is now open for the PBIS Maximum Music event on Saturday 12ths October. This is the first event of its kind, gathering together musicians in years 3-13 from Vlastina, Libus and Kamyk, for a day of music making and workshops. All the PBIS music teachers will be there, leading choir and instrumental rehearsals, with some visiting musicians dropping in throughout the day.


School ensemble clubs are already rehearsing and the singing repertoire can be found on the Maximum Music page on the VLE. Ms Higgins will be teaching the songs to members of ‘Singers Unlimited.’

Dates for your diary



Friday 13th September

Woodwind taster sessions

Monday 30th September, Assembly Hall

ISMFA assembly

Monday 21st October , Assembly Hall

Y6 show

Saturday 12th October

Maximum music weekend @ Libuš

Wednesday 20th November, 16:30, Assembly Hall

Whole-School instrumental concert

Monday 2nd December, Assembly Hall

Year 5 show

Monday 16th and Wednesday 18th December, Assembly Hall

Early Years show

Thursday 19th December

Christmas Extravaganza

Please enjoy the photographs of some of our music lessons this week, including one of Mr Andy Schofield carrying out a ‘woodwind taster’ session - hopefully we will have even more pupils learning this year!

Extra Time

For those that need to collect their children from school later than the regular school day finish time at 3 p.m., we offer our Extra Time service. Extra Time is open to all primary children from Reception - Year 6 and runs every school day from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Starting Monday 2nd September.)

The service is managed by dedicated PBIS staff and offers peace of mind that children will be well looked after and entertained in an environment they know well. All children that attend Extra Time receive a complimentary snack, prepared by Lion Catering, and have the option to complete homework, read, participate in a range of fun structured activities, play games and sports or simply relax.

If you would like to find out more about Extra Time or make a booking for your child please click here.

New Breakfast Club

New for 2019/20 we are introducing an early morning breakfast club from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. which will allow parents to drop off primary school children at school earlier than the 8:30 a.m. start time.

The Breakfast Club will be based in the Kamyk dining room and will be supervised by a member of staff each morning. Children will be able to eat their breakfast from home, or parents can purchase a breakfast from Lion Catering for their child, or children can simply relax before the start of the school day. All breakfast items purchased at school will be deducted directly from the student's account.

No advance registration is required to use this service. If you ever would like your child to attend the Breakfast Club, simply bring your child directly to the dining room in the morning and sign them in with the member of staff on duty.

There will be a 50 Kč charge for using the service that will be automatically deducted from your child's account each time.

Big Kids Football

Each Saturday morning a group of parents, staff and senior school students (over 16 years old) meet for informal games football. The standard of play is very relaxed and it is a great way to get some exercise and meet other members of the PBIS community.

If you are interested in playing, sign up under this link:


Tick Awareness

Although the peak tick season is almost over you might find the detailed information about tick-born illnesses, prevention and vaccination useful.

I would like to remind you that the vaccination against European tick borne encephalitis should ideally be started in winter. Effective immunity will then be present at the start of the tick season when children enjoy the outdoors, take part in residential trips and camps. You GP or paediatrician can give you further information on vaccination series.

You can find detailed information here.

Vlastina Friends

On Wednesday we will he holding the first Vlastina Friends meeting of the year. All are welcome.

Michael Bardsley


Paul Kurczij

Head of Vlastina Campus

Prague British International School

Address: Vlastina 19 | 161 00 Prague 6 | Czech Republic

Tel: + 420 226 096 200 | Mob: +420 775 695 337´

