Thank you for your patience whilst we resolved the issues we’ve had. I know I have communicated in person with a number of you. We will commence curriculum planning for 2020/21 soon after October half term and so will have the timetable ready before we break in the summer. Not the start that I had envisaged but the important thing is that the students are all in lessons and learning.
Berlin Trip
Y11 humanities students have left for Berlin and will be undertaking a very interesting itinerary. We look forward to their report in next week’s newsletter.
Residential Trips
We are now one week away until the Y10 and Y12 residential trips. Please can you make sure that you have completed the VLE forms to enable you son/daughter to attend. There will be no timetable in school as it is a full year group activity.
School Photos
Just a reminder that the school photo sessions will take place on the 16th and 17th September next week. You son/daughter will be informed of which day their year group will pose. Details of how these can be purchased and viewed will follow.
A polite reminder that students from all year groups are expected to bring their own laptop/device for use in school. For those taking IGCSE and IB Computer Science then this needs to be Microsoft compatible to operate the software used in these subjects, which matches industry usage. If you have any questions regarding this then please email me jane.cordes@pbis.cz
University & Careers
In the past two weeks , PBIS hosted two University information sessions. The first one was from The New College of the Humanities (NHC), private school based in London. They offer unique liberal arts –inspired combined honours degree studies in the humanities and social science. NHC also offers a number of prestigious scholarships.
This week, the representative from B.H.M.S., Business& Hotel Management School in Switzerland, informed our IB students about Bachelor programmes and IGCSE students about the Summer schools.
Both Universities accept both the IB DP and CP (Careers related) qualifications.
If your son/daughter is interested to study Social Sciences at University in the Czech republic, they have a chance to attend the Open day at Faculty of Social Sciences (Charles University) on Monday, 16th of September. The Open day starts at 4 p.m., Opletalova street 26. The faculty will present their English programmes, including the Economics &finance, Politics, Philosophy and Politics (PPE), Social Sciences and History, etc. For more information see the posters around school, ask Ms. Choc or visit https://fsv.cuni.cz/en/news/open-day-english-bachelors-programmes
If you are still considering to make an enquiries about the IGCSE results or re-sit in November 2019 please kindly note that the deadline is September 20th, 2019. However, please contact Adriana Moskalova, Exams Officer on Adriana.Moskalova@pbis.cz A.S.A.P.
Fire Drill
We have completed the fire drill this week and so all new students and existing know and understand the procedures should we ever need to evacuate the building. The students and staff conducted themselves in a calm and professional manner and exited the building in record time. We were very impressed.
Whole School Maximum Music Weekend - Sign Up Now Open!
With only four weeks to go, sign-up is now open for the PBIS Maximum Music event on Saturday 12ths October. This is the first event of its kind, gathering together musicians in years 3-13 from Vlastina, Libus and Kamyk, for a day of music making and workshops. All the PBIS music teachers will be there, leading choir and instrumental rehearsals, with some visiting musicians dropping in throughout the day.
School ensemble clubs are already rehearsing and the singing repertoire can be found on the Maximum Music page on the VLE. If your child would like to participate in the choir, or plays an orchestral instrument but isn’t in a musical ensemble - we recognise that there are clashes with some clubs, please e mail ailsa.frazer@pbis.cz.
If there are parents who would like to participate either in choir or orchestra, also just send an e mail to the address above!
Instrumental lessons at Libus Campus
Instrument lessons have started at Libus campus and we have slots available for woodwind, piano and guitar students. If you are interested and for more information, please contact Ms Donaldson, sheonagh.donaldson@pbis.cz.
Year 11 students of Spanish worked on their singing and dancing skills with a fun song who tells the story of a student of Spanish who finds himself into hilarious situations due to his struggles to speak the language, but who learns a lot about the Hispanic and Spanish cultures on his travels. This led to conversations about the students own struggles and how they can face them head on this year.
We apologise for shuttle bus delays on some afternoons this week. The after school clubs started on Monday and children and new parents have been still getting used to the after school routine. We have made some after school arrangements to make the bus registration even more efficient. We would like to ask parents of Primary school children to make changes in transport and club arrangements for their children with school administrator in advance. Please follow Transport manual. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
Big Kids Football
Each Saturday morning a group of parents, staff and senior school students (over 16 years old) meet for informal games football. The standard of play is very relaxed and it is a great way to get some exercise and meet other members of the PBIS community.
If you are interested in playing, sign up under this link:
Tick Awareness
Although the peak tick season is almost over you might find the detailed information about tick-born illnesses, prevention and vaccination useful.
I would like to remind you that the vaccination against European tick borne encephalitis should ideally be started in winter. Effective immunity will then be present at the start of the tick season when children enjoy the outdoors, take part in residential trips and camps. You GP or paediatrician can give you further information on vaccination series.
You can find detailed information here.
Kamyk and Libus Friends News
On Monday, we had our first coffee morning of the year at Kamyk. It was wonderful to see old faces and new friends. This year we will be hosting coffee mornings every month. If you and your national group would like to host one, please contact Tony Peachment at school.
Next Monday we will be having our first committee meeting of the year at 0830 in the Kamyk canteen. If you’d like to find out more about our activities and get involved in organising events for the school and parents, come along!
You can find more information about Friends on our VLE page.
Thank you.
Michael Bardsley
Jane Cordes
Head of Libuš Campus
Prague British International School
Address: Brunelova 12 | 140 00 Prague 4 | Czech Republic
Tel: + 420 226 096 100