Welcome Back!
It was great to meet the students on Monday and welcome them to the new school year. The concept for the day was for them to reunite with friends and for existing students to make friends in both their tutor groups and their house teams. Our Head students also gave a warm welcome as it is important that they are visible to our student body and empowered to lead. Our House Captains did a sterling job of leading activities to establish ideas for embedding global goals and then creating a range of formats to demonstrate house identity. The ‘Haka’s’, songs and chants were particularly entertaining and gave the school energy and positivity on our first day. This was how I envisaged the start of term and now, we as a team, can build upon that. Thank you to all the staff who were involved, led and supported aspects of the day.
couple of reminders:
- KS4/5 Expedition Residentials are fast approaching for Year 10 and Year 12 students and all paperwork needs to be returned urgently to enable your son/daughter to go on the trip. There is no additional cost and lessons will not be run in school. If you have not completed this yet, please complete the sign up form here:https://pbis.fireflycloud.net/school-trips-2/secondary-school-trips/secondary-school-trips-201920/ks3andks4-school-expedition
- Uniform - The first day back was a little disappointing and I reminded students that uniform did not include jeans, leggings or jeggings and that footwear must be solid black. This was much improved on Tuesday but there are still a few discrepancies. Please can this be addressed at the weekend? I would like the students to be proud of their school and their uniform. Year 12/13 students in general have been smart and worn appropriate professional dress but some infringements in terms of jeans and short skirts. This will be questioned, so please can you support your son/daughter to make the right choice of outfit in the mornings.
Welcome new staff to our team
The following staff have joined PBIS at Libuš this year and we are very pleased to welcome them.
Mr Dhesi – Deputy Headteacher
Mr Korczyk – Head of Year 10
Ms Crosshwaite – English
Mr Odisho – Business/Economics
Mr McKenzie – Business/Economics
Mr O’Neill – Computer Science
Ms Webb – Biology
Ms Halkova Vykpelova - German
Ms Hambleton – Data Manager
Club Fayre
Students participated in the club fayre on Wednesday afternoon and were able to ask about each club before signing up. There was a very positive vibe and clubs are looking busy. The full range of clubs/activities is on the VLE. Please can you sign your son/daughter into the clubs they have chosen as this provides the register and consent for them to participate. This is necessary before they commence the activity. All clubs will start on Monday 9th September. For new parents, details of the later buses are also on the VLE. If you have any questions in relation to clubs then please contact Julian.Nelmes@pbis.cz or alexander.klaiss@pbis.cz .
It was great to see and meet so many of you at the BBQ this week. There were many conversations with myself and my colleagues about the positive start to term especially in terms of the pastoral support and house activities. The timetable is now in full flow and most of the initial technical problems have been resolved. Students will now settle into their option choices and any changes can be dealt with in consultation with parents. If you have any questions, at any time, then please contact me on jane.cordes@pbis.cz
Kamyk and Libus Friends Coffee Morning
On Monday morning we will be hosting our first coffee morning for parents in the Kamyk dining room. We look forward to seeing old and new friends there.
Big Kids Football
Each Saturday morning a group of parents, staff and senior school students (over 16 years old) meet for informal games football. The standard of play is very relaxed and it is a great way to get some exercise and meet other members of the PBIS community.
If you are interested in playing, sign up under this link:
Whole School Maximum Music Weekend!
On Saturday October 12th 2019, we will be holding the first ever PBIS music event involving students from all three sites: Libuš, Kamyk and Vlastina. All students who belong to choir, band or string group will be rehearsing the same music and coming together on Saturday 11th for a day of joint rehearsals, culminating in a concert for parents from 1700-1800. This is a great opportunity for our young musicians to meet and work together; staff and parents who sing or play an instrument are also welcome to join us! Please put the date in your diary and ensure that your child signs up for choir, orchestra or concert band clubs if they would like to participate. We look forward to a weekend of maximum music making!
Student Lunch accounts
As the new school year gets underway I would like to highlight the policy regarding Student Accounts. Student Accounts are used for lunch payment, as well as for some trips and extra activities.
· For children in Year 7 and above accounts must always have a positive balance (ie. students will not be able to purchase items in the dining room if they do not have sufficient funds on their cards)
Of course I understand that at the beginning of the school year it may take some time to set up your preferred regular payment method and, as such, there will be some flexibility during the first couple of weeks. I would however like to ask for your support and understanding with this as soon as possible. For instructions on how to charge student accounts please click HERE
Tick Awareness
Although the peak tick season is almost over you might find the detailed information about tick-born illnesses, prevention and vaccination useful.
I would like to remind you that the vaccination against European tick borne encephalitis should ideally be started in winter. Effective immunity will then be present at the start of the tick season when children enjoy the outdoors, take part in residential trips and camps. You GP or paediatrician can give you further information on vaccination series.
You can find detailed information here.
Transport – After club bus service
Please be aware that After Club bus service for Kamýk and Libuš will start on Monday 9th September 2019. We offer After club bus service to Kačerov, Smíchov and Průhonice. Please read information and view maps for after club bus service here: https://pbis.fireflycloud.net/transport-1/after-club-transport--kamyk-and-libus-schools
Parents received information for club and after club bus registration today.
We apologise for shuttle bus and school bus delays in the afternoon this week. We have been working hard on making the afternoon bus registration efficient. We would like to ask parents of Primary school children to make changes in transport arrangements for their children with school administrator in advance.
Thank you.
Michael Bardsley
Jane Cordes
Head of Libuš Campus
Prague British International School
Address: Brunelova 12 | 140 00 Prague 4 | Czech Republic
Tel: + 420 226 096 100