Week 6 thoughts…
What have you done this week that is selfless? Have you helped another student academically or socially? Have you changed your plans so that someone could be included? Living our lives to support and encourage others should be prominent in all that we do. As I read the student leadership applications this week and began interviewing, I am inspired by the optimism and the change that they all want to bring to PBIS as part of their manifesto. They have exciting plans and if they come to fruition, then they will definitely leave their legacy. People will remember them for the right reasons. However, we don’t need to create change to be remembered or rejoiced. Sometimes it’s just a change we make within ourselves that can be the difference to another #BeYou
In other news…
I am in Budapest with the U19 Boys/Girls football team as you read this and looking forward to sharing our adventures next week. We will be updating twitter during the tournament @PBISLibus.
We have completed the ‘lockdown’ drill this week and so students are now aware of what they need to do should this situation ever occur. We will practice this again before the Christmas break.
Lost and Found items were available in the Atrium this week. If you have lost property from last year and it hasn’t come back this week, then please let me know and I will see if it is in one of the big bags!
Student Elections are now in full swing for all of our leadership positions, student council and events team. Results will be published in the 25th October publication.
KS4 uniform is much better with only a few infringements. Students who choose to wear non uniform items to school will lose their break time.
Tanzania Trip – If your son/daughter is going on the trip then please make sure you get their passports to Mr Moussay urgently.
Dates for the diary: 16th - 18th October – Lockdown (BTEC Performance), 18th October PBIS Celidh, 22nd October Head of Campus Breakfast @ 0800.
Staff V Students Football Fun
Last week saw the return of staff/student football Friday! Having comprehensively defeated the student five-a-side team several times last year ;) this event was in a revised format with a greater emphasis on inclusivity and positive competition. Two mixed student teams and a mixed staff team played a round robin tournament with a pretty even spread of victories amongst the three teams.
We hope to have a repeat of the event at least every half term over the course of this academic year.
Performing Arts
IGCSE year 11 Drama and Music students had their first Performance Showcase on Friday, October 11. The audience experienced a range of classical and contemporary monologues, in addition to, two additional music performances to be assessed and moderated. Videos of performances are available on the VLE drama page if you missed them. Mark your calendars for the IB CP Performing Arts One-Act plays on October 16-18 and the IG Devised Drama performances on November 15 and 29!
Performing Arts at PBIS
Last weekend, PBIS hosted the Juilliard NAE Regional European and Middle East Dance and Music Professional Development course and welcomed 40 performing arts teachers. This is a wonderful opportunity for teacher to collaborate and learn both from Juilliard curriculum specialists and each other.
Photos and information can be found https://www.nordangliaeducation.com/schools/prague/british-international/article/2019/10/7/juilliard-nae-regional-music-and-dance-professional-development-course-at-pbis
A big thank you to the students in year 2, 6 and 9 who shared their learning.
Upcoming events in October
Friday 11th - Year 11 drama performance – Libus theatre
Saturday 12th - Maximum Music weekend. Performance at 17h00, Libus theatre
Wednesday 16-18 – Performing Arts CP performances – One Act Plays
Friday 18th - Ceilidh dancing with live band and whisky tasting. 19h30 – Libus gym
House activities
Students have been working hard in their house groups, making improvements on the house mascots, chants, haka and slogans they started on the first day of school (September 2). The houses will present their work to the rest of the school on the last day of half term!
Current house points totals
Portrait Photo Orders
This year's class photos are ready and can be seen at http://www.pbisphotos.cz Just enter the password (case sensitive): PBIS2019
Please note that the order deadline is FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, and that orders placed before the deadline should be delivered by the first week of December.
Prices for the photographs are displayed in the form. The final amount will be deducted from your child’s school account.
In the meantime, we hope you like the photos! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please email pbisphotographer@gmail.com.
Kamyk and Libus Friends
On Monday our Korean community hosted a coffee morning at Kamyk. Photos from the event can be seen here.
Charity bakesale
Next Friday (18.10) we will be running a charity bake sale at both Kamyk and Libus. We will be raising money for PBIS supported charities as well as for the events that the Friends put on for our students.
We would like to ask you to bring donations to school in the morning and leave them in the main reception. It would be much easier for us if you can bring in individual cakes, cookies or biscuits that are easy for us to serve. It is more difficult and messy for us when we have to cut cakes into slices for the students on Friday morning.
For students who have food allergies, I would suggest parents bring in cakes that they know they can eat. The parents running the sale will be able to help with this. Also, please could you ensure that your donations do not contain nuts.
Parent Workshops
Do you have a hidden talent you want to share with other Friends? Are you handy with upholstering? Can you cook a mean curry? We are organising workshops for Friends and if you would like to offer to teach something, you can tell us about it here.
External Halloween Event SAVE THE DATE!
Libus students are invited to the first annual and biggest Halloween bash of all times, in one of the spookiest places in Prague.
When: 31st October
Where: Sacre Coeur Chapel (Smichov)
All high school / upper school students (ages 14-18) from all international schools in Prague will be there.
DJ, live music, amazing food and drinks and of course ghoulish entertainment
Tickets are 650 CZK and are available here.
Buy before 15.10. and pay just 600 Kc.
Check out
for more details
Save the Date!! Ceilidh at Libus
On 18th October we will be hosting our annual Ceilidh. For those who don't know, a ceilidh is a Scottish social event with dancing. A useful opportunity to practice your Gay Gordons for Burns Night. More information coming next week. Tickets available at reception.
Jane Cordes
Prague British International School
Address: Brunelova 12 | 140 00 Prague 4 | Czech RepublicTel: + 420 226 096 100