Equipment List for Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2

Equipment list. All the following equipment is needed by pupils in school please!

Please ensure your child’s name is written in everything. Please name all items with permanent marker pen or a plastic label. 

  • Uniform. Your child must wear uniform every day. Please see full details on the school VLE.
  • Indoor shoes. These should be shoes that your child can independently put on, i.e. no laces or tricky buckles.
  • Outdoor shoes, named. Also to be put on independently, as above.
  • Sports Clothes. Class teachers will inform you of which days your child needs to come to school in their PE kits for their PE lessons. These must be ordered according to the school uniform.
  • A full change of clothes in a named bag. Please ensure your child has a full change of clothes, including underwear, in case of accidents or clothes getting wet.
  • Snack box, named. Please send your child with a healthy snack for the mid-morning break. It does not need to be a large meal. 

Please no nuts, fizzy drinks or sweets in snack boxes or bags.

  • Water bottle, named.

Additional seasonal items

  • Hat, named. A broad-brimmed or baseball hat to keep the sun off. For example.
  • Wellies, named. Waterproof boots that your child can slip on for wet days and walks in the forest.
  • Waterproof trousers and waterproof jacket. For examples, please click the links.
  • Waterproof gloves and a winter hat
  • Sun cream, named. Please keep a bottle of high factor sun screen in school. It is also useful if you can apply cream before school, if the UV forecast is high. We have sun cream in school which we will apply if necessary. Please let us know if your child has an allergy to suncream.

Optional items

  • Bicycle Helmet for EYFS children. We have some helmets in school but feel free to send in one from home, which we encourage children to wear while riding the bigger bikes in our playground.
  • Tick spray, named. If you wish us to apply tick spray to your child after lunch, please provide this and talk to your class teacher.