KS3&KS4 School Expedition 


Dear Parents,

This autumn the PBIS students in KS3, Year 10 and 12 will be starting the year with offsite residential lessons trips run by 3E Outdoors.

Trips are based at Rekreace Stredisko Blanik about an hour from Prague, along the Blanice River and under the Blanik hills.

With it being the start of the new school year, taking the students offsite for lessons and activities, this activity is set to bring the current and new students together with a focus on team work, group communication, bonding, having fun and challenging themselves.

The activities will be a mixture of team building games, exercises and challenges. Learning and practicing outdoor skills and adventurous activities, plus an ethos of environmental learning. Leading to a positive experience in nature with old and new friends.

The offsite activities form part of the overall taught curriculum in school and the expectation is that every student attends. All students and teachers will be offsite and no lessons will be taking place in school. As the offsite activity is part of the main curriculum, there is no additional payment required.

Please see the dates for each year group below:

Y7 Arrival September 9th 2019, Y7 Departure September 11th 2019

Y8 Arrival September 11th 2019, Y8 Departure September 13th 2019

Y9 Arrival September 16th 2019, Y9 Departure September 19th 2019

Y10 Arrival September 23rd 2019, Y10 Departure September 25th 2019

Y12 Arrival September 25th 2019, Y12 Departure September 28th 2019

Kind regards,

Marion Hamel

Deputy Head KS3


Contact for trip details :

Dominika Bosáková

Trip management specialist


KS3&KS4 consent form:

Pupil forename/Jméno žáka: *
Pupil Surname/Příjmení žáka: *
Year group 2019/20: *

Behaviour contract/Zásady správného chování:

I have read the behaviour contract with my child and we agree that he/she will abide by the conditions./Seznámil(a) jsem své dítě se zásadami správného chování, jejich obsahu porozumělo a zavazuje se chovat dle nich. *

I hereby confirm I submitted a Medical Form for this Academic Year (english translation) (FORM IS VALID FOR 2 YEARS). / Potvrzuji, že jsem vyplnil(a) a odevzdal(a) Zdravotní formulář potvrzený lékařem, platný pro tento školní rok.

I hereby confirm that I submitted signed scan of consent form to the school administrator/Potvrzuji, že jsem zaslal(a) formulář "Souhlas s účastí" třídnímu učiteli mého dítěte

I hereby confirm that I submitted scan of my child´s health insurance card to school administrator Kamýk: Mr David Vo Tien (david.vo@pbis.cz) ,Vlastina: Ms Markéta Štěpánová (marketa.stepanova@pbis.cz) , Libuš: Ms Barbora Mullerova (barbora.mullerova@pbis.cz) /Potvrzuji, že jsem zaslal(a) kopii zdravotní kartičky svého dítěte příslušné administrátorce viz výše

Please complete the form below to sign up your child and submit to the school administrator (please see the contact below) by 30th August at the latest

Kamýk:Mr David Vo Tien (david.vo@pbis.cz)

Vlastina: Ms Markéta Štěpánová (marketa.stepanova@pbis.cz

Libuš: Ms Jitka Nejedlá (jitka.nejedla@pbis.cz)

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: