Secondary Uniform (Yrs 7 -11) 

The PBIS uniform is made up of PBIS Branded and Non branded items.

Logo's and brands should not be overly visible on clothing.

Branded items 

These items can only be bought from the official PBIS uniform supplier. 

All Secondary children must wear a White Polo shirt to school every day. 

Over their polo shirt, students can only wear these branded items: cardigan, V-neck sweater, fleece, hoodie or sweatshirt. Long-sleeved items under the polo shirt as well as non-branded hoodies are not permitted.

Non - Branded items

These items are available from the official PBIS uniform supplier, however parents and guardians are free to buy these items from any supplier or shop.

Students must wear dark blue or black formal trousers/shorts/skirt (no denim).

Skirts, shorts, skorts and dresses must be no shorter than 5cm above the knee.

Non branded hoodies are not permitted.


When indoors all secondary students must wear appropriate footwear such as dark-coloured shoes or subtle* black or white trainers. Logos are not permitted.


It should be kept to a minimum and must be removed for PE lessons for safety reasons.

*Subtle in this context means barely noticeable. Bold patterns, textures, shapes etc. are not permitted.

How to order and FAQs